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Urban Horror

Urban Horror

都市懼集 (Original Title)

"Urban Horror" is an innovative type of short urban drama, meticulously crafted by CATCHPLAY+ in collaboration with KOKO Entertainment. It brings together numerous winners of the Golden Horse and Golden Bell Awards, with a total of 78 performers participating, such as Tiffany Hsu, Austin Lin, Ivy Shao, Fu Mengbo, Esther Liu, Pets Tseng, River Huang, Huang Peijia, Chen Yu, Yang Mingwei, You Anshun, Zhou Caishi, Moon Lee, Wang Yuxuan, Gao Yingxuan, Huang Guanzhi, and other seasoned actors. The series follows the narrative of "horror stories without ghosts" and is structured into six main units, comprising 34 concise story chapters, revealing the underlying fears in daily urban life. The series is set to premiere exclusively on the CATCHPLAY+ streaming platform in Taiwan, Indonesia, and Singapore on July 12, 2024.

0h 40min
2024 年 7 月 12 日
  • This series gathers 34 intricately woven short stories into 6 core units, revealing six frightening aspects lurking in the city, including areas such as public transportation, nightlife, apartment buildings, office towers, business districts, and residential areas. It leads the audience to delve deep into the unknown facets of human nature that are often overlooked in our daily lives. By focusing on the selfish indifference hidden between light and darkness within the urban crowd, as well as the problems and consequences existing in our daily lives that have long been ignored. From the silent streets under the sunlight, the crowded commercial districts, to the seemingly peaceful residential buildings, each episode showcases different urban settings, exposing various core fears. The fear-inducing events that you are unaware of could happen at any moment...

  • Genres
  • Release Date
    2024 年 7 月 12 日
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        • Runtime
          0 hour 40 minute
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