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The Last Frenzy

The Last Frenzy

末路狂花錢 (Original Title)

"The Last Frenzy" is a comedy film jointly produced by Beijing Ultra Comedy Culture Communication Co., Ltd., Tianjin Maoyan Giant Vision Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., China Film Co., Ltd., and Beijing Fun Age Entertainment Co., Ltd. The film is directed and written by Wu Ri-na, and stars Jia Bing, Tan Zhuo, Xiao Shen-yang, Yu Yang, and Dong Baoshi, with Ying Da as the producer. The film tells the story of the protagonist Jia Youwei, who, in middle age, has not made any significant accomplishments in life. When diagnosed with a brain tumor and given only ten days to live, he sells his old house that was about to be demolished, reunites with his childhood friend, and decides to enjoy his final ten days of life, triggering a series of hilarious events. The film was released in theatres across China on May 1, 2024.

1h 47min
2024 年 5 月 1 日
  • The main character of the story is a middle-aged man named Jia Youwei (played by Jia Bing), who is undoubtedly the spokesperson for "saving money." He always took the lead in reducing consumption! This habit has made him afraid of spending too much throughout his life. Unimaginably, in the prime of his life, he suddenly fell ill. It's not that he couldn't spend money anymore, but he didn't have much time left to spend it! With only ten days of life left and his previous savings of one million turning into transient wealth, Jia Youwei lets his imagination run wild. He decides to take his brothers from the past years, Sha Baihu (played by Xiao Shen-yang), Xu Dalii (played by Yu Yang), and Dong Jianfeng (played by Dong Baoshi), and extravagantly spend without any regrets left for this world! Everything is beyond expectation, this new life experience brings him surprises. Not only does his friendship get a chance to be renewed, but also happiness arrives as scheduled. Even his old crush Wang Xiaoqian (played by Tan Zhuo) unexpectedly reunites with him...

  • Release Date
    2024 年 5 月 1 日
  • Languages
  • Total Budget
    • $9,800,000 USD
    • Filming Dates
      • 2023 年 6 月 5 日 -
    • Runtime
      1 hour 47 minutes
          • User Reviews
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