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The Eye See the Soul

The Eye See the Soul

The Eye See the Soul (Original Title)

"The Eye See the Soul" is a human comedy film centered around Taiwanese temple culture. Directed by Wang Chung-cheng and featuring Lei Hong and Josh Huo as the leading actors, it was released in Taiwan on March 22, 2024. The film tells the story of a wronged spirit named Ah Hai, who died in disgrace during the Japanese colonial period and was sealed in Magong City. With the help of his future family, Ah Hai lets go of his resentment and stubbornness. Despite the twists and turns, the film ends up being a touching and righteous comic fantasy.

2h 4min
2024 年 3 月 22 日
  • A hundred years ago, on a stifling, windless night, Chen Ah Hai was attacked and killed by robbers while bathing at a wellside, dying unjustly in a state of stark nudity. After death, Ah Hai's spirit was trapped inside the Mom Palace City. He wanted to protest his innocence, but Ah Hai, with no clothes to wear, could only gaze at the sky and wail plaintively, "Give me clothes." A hundred years later, Ah Hai's descendant of the same clan, Lord Fu Yuan, was a temple steward who wanted to make a comeback in the entertainment industry. But because there was no one to inherit the temple's minor law group, he couldn't leave alone. At this point, his passionate niece Coco called on her friends, Kun Song, Feng Kui, and Ke Nan to help out. Unexpectedly, it was through this that Kun Song began to see Ah Hai's soul. Ah Hai troubled Kun Song to help find the real culprits. Meanwhile, Coco's parents, Jinwen & Chanel, who came back to Mom Palace City from Kaohsiung city to lend a hand, stirred up the originally quiet city all for the sake of helping Ah Hai's passing and raising the law group, creating a scene full of chaos and confusion.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 3 月 22 日
  • Languages
  • Regions
    • Local Box Office
      $79,183 USD
    • Filming Locations
      • Nanjia Hailing Temple, Magong City, Penghu
    • Runtime
      2 hours 4 minutes
          • User Reviews
          • IMDb Rating
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