Cast & Crew
The story revolves around a young couple whose lives are turned upside down after their daughter goes missing. In their desperation to find her, they receive a private video, which seems to offer a glimmer of hope. However, they soon discover that someone is secretly watching their home. To counter the intruder, they are forced to install surveillance equipment at their doorstep, inadvertently exposing their lives even further. As the identity of the stalker begins to surface, each family member will ultimately confront their own truth...
- Keywords
- Release Date2024 年 11 月 15 日
- Languages
- Production Companies
- Distributors
- Local Box Office$10,906 USD
- Runtime2 hours 5 minutes
- Picture Format
- NominatedYou can find a full list of nominations.
- Film Festivals
- 2024 Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival opening film
- User Reviews
- IMDb RatingN/A
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