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Rob N Roll

Rob N Roll

臨時劫案 (Original Title)

"Rob N Roll" is a Lunar New Year drama comedy that premiered in Hong Kong in 2024, and is a crime-themed movie. The film is directed by Albert Mak, with a script written by Ryker Chan, and starring star actors Aaron Kwok, Gordon Lam, Richie Jen, and Maggie Cheung Ho Yee. The movie was released on February 9th, 2024 (New Year's Eve according to the lunar calendar), to celebrate the Lunar New Year.

1h 38min
2024 年 1 月 19 日
  • The protagonist of the story is the notorious robber, Mei Lantian (played by Aaron Kwok), who plots a large-scale "Flash Robbery". Surprisingly, he stumbles upon two ordinary men, Murong Hui (played by Richie Jen), and Li Shui (played by Gordon Lam Ka Tung), who are planning to buy guns for a robbery. Faced with these two desperate men, Mei Lantian, out of a sense of shared fate, coerces them into joining his team to ensure the successful execution of the robbery. He teaches them his own "Robber's Code" of "Not harming the innocent, not tormenting brothers, being civilized, and polite." Under his guidance, the former taxi driver Li Shui and residential care social worker Murong Hui transform into notorious robbers. However, a thrilling chase and an unexpected heist unfold amidst the intense pursuit of the law enforcers and the complex relationship among the three men...

  • Release Date
    2024 年 1 月 19 日
  • Languages
  • Regions
  • Local Box Office
    $2,740,400 USD
  • Foreign Box Office
    RMB 237 million (Mainland China) NT$10.17 million (Taiwan) RM7.5 million (Malaysia) US$39,929 (Australia) US$3,926 (New Zealand)
  • Cumulative Worldwide Gross
    $37,569,950 USD
  • Runtime
    1 hour 38 minutes
  • Picture Format
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