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No Such Person

No Such Person

查無此人 (Original Title)

"No Such Person" is created by Christopher Sun, who served as writer, director, and producer. It stars Kaylee Yu, Terry Zou, Himmy Wong, Odilia Chan, Marvia Lee, and Winnie Chan, with the veteran actor Deon Cheung making a guest appearance. The movie was released in Hong Kong on May 23, 2024. The theme of the movie revolves around theft and identity crimes, which are closely related to the scams that Hong Kong citizens may encounter in their daily lives.

1h 22min
2024 年 5 月 23 日
  • The character portrayed by Terry Zou is not only a veterinarian but also a landlord of a subdivided flat, and his tenants all have their own identities and stories. The story begins with the sunny girl Amber, who, armed with a backpack and her beloved cat, encounters the handsome property owner — vet Ray. This marks the beginning of a new chapter in life. However, Ray's subdivided apartment attracts all sorts of strange tenants and involves a large scale illicit activity that must not be disclosed. On another front, the discovery of an unidentified female body in a suburban park puts the police's investigation into a mysterious predicament of "No Such Person"...

  • Release Date
    2024 年 5 月 23 日
  • Languages
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          • Runtime
            1 hour 22 minutes
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