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時光代理人劇評 Link Click Reviews

Link Click2024

All Details

  • The story is set in a bustling city corner at a small shop called "Time Photo Studio." The three main characters, Cheng Xiaoshi, Lu Guang, and Qiao Ling, work together to accept commissions, using their special abilities to enter photographs, helping people uncover the truth and make up for regrets. Cheng Xiaoshi (played by Jiang Long) lost his parents at a young age and was taken care of by his neighbor Qiao Ling (played by Bu Guanjin) and her family. While running the photo studio, they meet the uniquely characterized Lu Guang (played by Bi Wenjun) and discover that Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang can enter photos through their cooperation. Qiao Ling, a reporter, learns about their abilities and joins their "Time Agents" commission team. The trio uses this special ability to accept various commissions, entering photos to help others find the truth and make up for regrets, embarking on a series of time-traveling journeys using photos as the medium.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 6 月 19 日
  • Release Dates
    • 2024 年 6 月 19 日
  • Languages
      • Filming Dates
        • 2023 年 6 月 18 日 - 2023 年 9 月 25 日
      • Runtime
        0 hour 25 minute
      • Picture Format
        • Version of
          • Adapted from the original animation of the same name, Link Click

          • User Reviews
          • IMDb Rating
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