The plot revolves around the story of Gu Nian, a member of the "graduation marriage tribe," who feels physically and mentally exhausted due to the pressures of married life. She unexpectedly gains a high-tech opportunity for an "immersive life experience," allowing her to return to the past and make different choices. Gu Nian is determined to completely change her outlook on life this time and not fall into the trap of "love brain." However, she inadvertently overlooks the gender of her character and finds herself inhabiting the body of a man she knows nothing about. The young Gu Nian from seven years ago is right in front of her… She must save her former self while facing a series of confusing "life multiple choice questions.
- Release Date2025 年 1 月 3 日
- Languages
- Regions
- Runtime1 hour 0 minute
- Picture Format
- User Reviews
- IMDb Rating
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