Set in the height of summer, the story follows teenage Xia Wenxuan (played by Natalie Hsu) and young Su Shenghua (played by Ian Chan), who meet through a record. They cannot predict how long their innocent love will last. Decades later, now a musician, Su Shenghua (played by Ekin Cheng) unexpectedly reunites with Xia Wenxuan (played by Cecilia Choi) during a low point in his life. Faced with the ailing Xia Wenxuan and seeing the significant changes in Su Shenghua, she decides to give him one last gift, hoping this journey will bring about a transformation in his life.
- Release Date2024 年 12 月 20 日
- Release Dates
- 2024 年 12 月 20 日
- Languages
- Regions
- Production Companies
- Distributors
- Presenters
- Subsidised By
Financing amount HK$5 million
- Local Box Office$16,000 USD (accumulated box office on the first day plus priority screenings)
- Filming Locations
- Hong Kong’s upstairs record shop in Mong Kok, Tsuen Wan Yan Chai Hospital, Cheung Chau Jiale Trail, Kam Kong Primary School, Tin Fook Pavilion, as well as Matsuyama Street in Ehime Prefecture and Ichiichi Shrine in Kochi Prefecture, Japan, etc.
- Runtime1 hour 50 minutes
- Picture Format
- Film Festivals
- Shortlisted for the Harbor Section of the 54th Rotterdam International Film Festival
- User Reviews
- IMDb Rating
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