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Hungry Souls

Hungry Souls

味盡緣 (Original Title)

"Hungry Souls", produced by CJ ENM HK and filmed in Singapore, is a mini series. The drama stars Rexen Cheng, Christina Mok, Danny Lee, Ayden Sng, Fang Rong, Jia Yi Hu, and Qian Yi Liu. It has been simultaneously broadcast in Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea, starting from March 23, 2024.

0h 35min
2024 年 3 月 23 日
  • "Hungry Souls" is a supernatural love drama series starring Taiwanese actress Christina Mok, Taiwanese actor Rexen Cheng, and Malyasia actor Danny Lee. The drama tells the story of a young female singer who comes to Singapore from Taiwan to develop her singing career, but unfortunately passes away. In order to find her long-lost lover, she stays in the mortal world, leading to a series of both funny-and-touching romantic and poignant stories. This drama is also the first to use Zhong Yuan Festival (Ghost Festival) as the main storyline, skillfully combining the Zhong Yuan Festival cultures of Southeast Asia and Singapore gangster themes from the 1970s, incorporating elements of romance, drama, and fantasy. According to ancient Chinese belief, wandering spirits return to the human world during the Zhong Yuan Festival (July of the lunar calendar), when the Gates of Hell open, to enjoy offerings from people. Individuals provide offerings of food, drink, money, and various forms of entertainment to console these spirits.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 3 月 23 日
  • Languages
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        • Runtime
          0 hour 35 minute
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