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暗夜與黎明劇評 Dark Night and Dawn Reviews

Dark Night and Dawn2024

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  • The plot revolves around a small police officer, Lin Shaobai (played by Chen Zheyuan), who failed to showcase his talents in the old society, and an experienced old Communist Party agent, Lu Zhengyang (played by Nie Yuan). In 1943, Lu Zhengyang and Lin Shaobai first crossed paths, showcasing their respective abilities. Six years later, with the liberation of Shanghai, Lu Zhengyang becomes a key figure in the Shanghai Public Security Bureau’s anti-espionage unit. In the face of severe anti-espionage challenges, he decides to enlist Lin Shaobai, known as the "Shanghai Jack-of-all-trades," with the support of his superiors.

    After partnering, they successfully cracked several major cases orchestrated by veteran agent Zheng Lanting (played by Wang Zhuwen) from the Shanghai Special Station of the Bureau of Investigation, including the "Bank Heist," "Counterfeit Case," and "Covert Radio Case," thoroughly thwarting the plots of hidden enemy agents. As the cases progressed, the relationship between Lu Zhengyang and Lin Shaobai evolved from initial friction to mutual trust, ultimately becoming comrades who would risk their lives for each other.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 9 月 18 日
  • Release Dates
  • Languages
      • Filming Locations
        • Shanghai
      • Filming Dates
        • - 2023 年 8 月 23 日
      • Runtime
        0 hour 45 minute
      • Picture Format
            • User Reviews
            • IMDb Rating
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