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談判專家影評 Crisis Negotiators Reviews

Crisis Negotiators2024

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  • The main plot tells the story of negotiation expert Cho Man Wai (played by Lau Ching Wan) who, after being framed as the mastermind behind both an assassination of a police officer and a corruption case, takes drastic action. In order to reveal the truth and clear his name, he takes risky action, barging into the police station and holding the police hostage, hoping to negotiate with another negotiation expert, Tse Ka Chun (played by Francis Ng). Despite the police pressing with forceful attacks, not only does Cho Man Wai hold his ground, but he also deploys strategic maneuvers with Tse Ka Chun to uncover the massive conspiracy behind the corruption case. Both critically acclaimed actors display their full wits and bravery, engaging in intense debates that highlight their commanding performances. The thrilling plot brings to life the essence of "The Negotiator", a Hollywood masterpiece of intellectual competition, and has generated a great amount of buzz for Hong Kong cinema.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 6 月 8 日
  • Release Dates
    • 2024 年 6 月 8 日
    • 2024 年 6 月 13 日
  • Languages
        • Runtime
          2 hour 0 minute
        • Picture Format
              • User Reviews
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