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沖·撞影評 Clash Reviews


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  • The plot centers on Liu Yonggan (played by Li Jiuhao), a food delivery worker who rallies thirty brothers to form the "Dockworkers" rugby team. They rise against the odds and ultimately defeat the Warriors International Team to claim the Eternal Bowl championship. A group of rough men transforms their struggles in life into raw power on the field, forging true brotherhood through their challenges.

  • Release Date
    2024 年 8 月 23 日
  • Release Dates
    • 2024 年 8 月 23 日
  • Languages
  • Production Companies
        • Runtime
          2 hours 3 minutes
        • Picture Format
          • Version of
            • Based on the true story of the Chongqing Dockers rugby team

            • User Reviews
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