Cast & Crew
The story revolves around the fallen star Bai Yinmo (played by Chen Bolin), who falls into scandal due to a physical altercation, leading to a low point in his acting career. To restore his image, he is persuaded by his ace manager Lily (played by Fann Wong) to participate in a reality show, temporarily escaping to Kinmen for filming. There, he meets Li Haino (played by Puff Kuo), a village girl who lives with her grandmother (played by Hong Huifang), and through interactions with the local villagers, he gradually comes to realize his own vulnerabilities.
Li Haino runs a bed-and-breakfast called "Breeze By The Sea," and her relationship with the superstar Bai Yinmo evolves from initial antagonism into a mutual understanding filled with romantic tension. However, her childhood friend Chen Dahu (played by Charles Lin), a kind-hearted doctor who has quietly been by her side, also returns home and encounters Bai Yinmo, leading to a healing and heartwarming love triangle.
- Keywords
- Release Date2024 年 12 月 14 日
- Languages
- Regions
- Production Companies
- Filming Locations
- Kinmen, Taipei
- Filming Dates
- 2023 年 10 月 27 日 -
- Runtime0 hour 45 minute
- Sound Mix
- Picture Format
- Remake of
Remake from South Korea's CJ ENM's IP "Top Star U-back"
- User Reviews
- IMDb Rating