Cast & Crew
The narrative follows high school student Xu Cheng (played by Marife Yau), who yearns for love but struggles with her stuttering. Together with her only friend Rachel (played by Sheena Chan), she runs a second-hand underwear business online. Although this industry raises ethical questions, it remains legal. As time passes, Xu Cheng begins to romanticize her relationship with the buyers, gaining attention and affection, but in the process, she risks losing her precious friendship.
- Release Date2024 年 11 月 21 日
- Languages
- Regions
- Production Companies
- Distributors
- Presenters
- Subsidised By
- Subsidy Amount
$650,000 USD
- Local Box OfficeNearly $91,000 USD (one week after opening)
- Runtime1 hour 37 minutes
- Picture Format
- Film Festivals
- The opening film of the HKAFF Asian Film Festival
- User Reviews
- IMDb RatingN/A
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