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白晝如焚影評 As it burns reviews

As it Burns2024

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  • One late night, a gas explosion occurs in an apartment, leaving behind a charred female body. Investigator Wei Yun (played by Ray Lui) heads to the scene. The deceased woman, Yan Zhen (played by Stephy Tang), was the fiancée to a wealthy second-generation heir, Wu Lan. What appears to be an unfortunate accident is suspected by Wei Yun to be full of traps. He discovers that Yan Zhen's mother died in the same manner fifteen years ago. Factually, Yan Zhen and her mother's relationship was strained, and her only confidant was her childhood best friend Lu Zifeng (played by Jasper Liu). Her mother opposed her relationship with Lu Zifeng. However, after the incident, both Yan Zhen and Lu Zifeng disappeared. Wei Yun meticulously continues his investigation, discovering that everyone related to Yan Zhen seemed to be hiding secrets, further complicating the situation. Not until he meets Lu Zifeng's new girlfriend Lin Yin (played by Stephy Tang) do things take a new direction due to their resemblance.
    Two cases spanning fifteen years with possible suspects each, and behind this foggy backdrop, the truth is even more unpredictable...

  • Release Date
    2024 年 4 月 4 日
  • Release Dates
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  • Regions
      • Local Box Office
        The box office on the first day of release was HK$66,000
      • Foreign Box Office
        NTD 927,702 (Taiwan)
        • Runtime
          1 hour 42 minutes
              • User Reviews
              • IMDb Rating
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