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Wang Shih-sian

Wang Shih-sian

Wang Shih-sian (Jason Wang), born on February 11, 1968, in Taiwan, is a Taiwanese actor and singer who completed his studies at the Taipei Physical Education College. In 1987, during his university years, he accidentally participated in the ICRT "Star of Youth" singing competition and won a spot in the top ten, which kickstarted his singing career. In 1989, he released his first personal Minnan language album "First Love Sea", and the following year, he began to venture into the Taiwan film and television industry, making his first TV drama debut in "故鄉的歌 (Song of Hometown)". In 2001, Wang Shih-Sian starred in the idol drama "Rogue Professor" and was nominated for the Best Actor award at the 36th Golden Bell Awards. In 2004 and 2010, he respectively starred in the prime-time dramas "Unforgettable" and "Night Market Life" on Formosa TV, during which year he also made his debut on the big screen, participating in the film "Monga" directed by Doze Niu. In 2015, Jason Wang was the male lead in the Sanlih E-Television flagship drama "La Grande Chaumiere Violette". In 2020, the TV drama "The Victims' Game", in which he starred, was broadcast on Netflix, and the following year he participated in the TV drama "The Summer Temple Fair". In 2024, he returned to participate in the Netflix series "The Victims' Game Season 2".

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