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Shih Hong-ru

Shih Hong-ru

Shih Hong-ru, born in Kaohsiung in 1984, is currently a full-time screenwriter. With a high degree of creativity and exquisite strokes, she captures and depicts the daily pleasures and insights of ordinary people. She graduated from the scriptwriting group of the Taipei National University of the Arts master's program, thus beginning her screenwriting career.
Shih Hong-ru 's creative achievements have been widely recognized, and her feature length screenplays have been nominated and awarded multiple times. Her 2010 work "逆光之橋 (Bridge Against the Light)" showcased her outstanding narrative talent. In 2011, she brought the delicate and warm feature "再見鳥日子 (Goodbye Bird Days)". In 2012, her work "One Summer Night" was even nominated for the Golden Bell Mini Series/TV Movie Screenplay Award of the year.
The "Taiwan Crime Stories" penned by Shih showcased her profound and sharp insight. This work is considered to be her representative work and has received enthusiastic response from audiences. Another work, "Cigarette Butts (菸蒂)", was even nominated for the Excellent Film Script in 102 years, once again proving her rich talent and high standards in the field of screenwriting. Shih Hong-ru, with her delicate touch and touching stories, has established her important position in the screenwriting industry.

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