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Marula Liu

Marula Liu

Marula Liu, also known as Essay, born on October 20, 1980, in Tianwei Township, Changhua County, Taiwan, is a veteran screenwriter, director, and author. She completed her studies in the News Group of the Education Department at National Taiwan Normal University, and graduated from the Institute of Taiwan Literature at Tsinghua University. She has served as an editor for "Eslite Good Reads", engaged in text creation at Liuli Gongfang, and has been a reporter for the "Open Book Weekly" of the China Times.
In 2003, her work "失明 (Blindness)" won the United Literature Newcomer Award for fiction. In 2006, through "7 Days in Heaven", she won the first prize for essays in the Lin Rong-San Literature Award, and also served as the screenwriter and director of the film of the same name. She won the Best Screenplay Award at the Taipei Film Festival and the Best Adapted Screenplay Award at the Golden Horse Awards in 2010.

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