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Lin Yu-chen

Lin Yu-chen

Lin Yu-chen, a screenwriter born in Taiwan in 1982, is a veteran who is very familiar and successful in the field of script creation. He graduated from the Graduate Institute of Filmmaking at the National Taipei University of the Arts, majoring in screenwriting. He has worked as a screenwriter in TransWorld Television Production Company Ltd., and his work "In A Good Way" was nominated for the Best Screenplay of Drama Program at the 2014 Golden Bell Awards during his tenure, which earned him widespread recognition in the industry.
Lin Yuchen's works are diverse in style and he is excellent in screenwriting. His scripts span many genres. He has written many well-known movie scripts such as "Peace Breaker" and "All Because Of Love", and includes films and television works that have been broadcasted on many platforms. Each piece of work is full of his unique creative style and deep thinking.
He has created many works so far, among which his masterpiece "Taiwan Crime Stories" is attention-grabbing and highly respected. In addition, works such as "Treat or Trick" have also validated his screenwriting strength and profound talent. Lin Yu-chen, with his cleverness and unique perspective, reveals those unknown stories in life. Each of his works expresses his deep insights and understanding of life with stark reality.

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