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Leading Lee

Leading Lee

Leading Lee, the winner of the Golden Bell Award for Best Drama and Best Channel Packaging, has left significant marks in both the literary and film industries. His latest work, "The Time of Huannan", is the first narrative feature film in the history of Taiwan public art. Lee, also a writer, graduated from the Department of Drama at the National Taipei University of the Arts. He gained valuable experience early on in the "快樂兒童 (Happy Children)" program and "Taiwan Television Children's Choir". After graduating from university, he delved into various fields in the entertainment industry, planned large-scale award ceremonies and concerts, and also served as a director for advertisements and music videos as well as the creative visual director for a TV station. In 2005, his literary work "到不了的地方,就用食物吧!(To the Unreachable Place, Let's Use Food!)" made him a long-selling author. He directed his first film, "My So Called Love", in 2008. The TV series "Somewhere Over The Sky" he directed in 2013 was nominated for seven awards at the Golden Bell Awards and won the Best Drama Award. In 2014, his work "Anywhere Somewhere Nowhere" was selected as the closing film of the Kaohsiung Film Festival and the opening film of the Cross-Strait Film Festival. Starting from "The Silence Of OM", Lee directed and produced two movies "Never Disappear" and "Burning Crows" within half a year, the latter of which was nominated again for the 2018 Taipei Film Awards. Lee's diverse talent has left important marks in both the film industry and literary circle.

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