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Ji Jing-rong

Ji Jing-rong

Ji Jing-rong, born on November 18, 1978, is a screenwriter and author focused on realism. She has published several novels, including "Dangerous Relations," "Second-Hand Life," "If Running Is My Destiny," and "I Am Not a Good-for-Nothing." Additionally, she created the original web series "Beautiful Trainee," which aired on Youku in 2018.
Her novella "Understanding" was published in the literary journal "Grassland," and its screenplay won the Potential Script Award at the 2019 Summer Cup for Outstanding Film Scripts organized by the Film Bureau of the Publicity Department. Another novella, "Sleepless in Xierqi," was featured in the first issue of "Beijing Literature" in 2022.
Throughout her career, Ji Jingrong has worked with CCTV's "Film and Television Synchronization," Guangzhou Daily, Beijing People's Broadcasting Station, Shitong Warner National Public Transport Mobile TV, and the Eastern Wind Media Group, participating in the planning and marketing of various shows and films. She also published the novel "Senior Entertainment Reporter in Beijing: My Star Boyfriend" and the original film script "Love's Drift Bottle." In 2024, her television drama "Born to be the One" is set to premiere.

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